The Knitting Thingamabob; a podcast about machine knitting and hand knitting, with a hefty serving of hand spinning on the side.

Shhh, its the dreaded ‘thingamabob’, that cheatin’, lyin’ knitting machine – but it will cover any of the various tools we all use for knitting (of all sorts), crochet and spinning fibre. What’s in a name? Whats under the hood? Why is a knitting machine ‘cheating’, but a floor loom isn’t? Why is an e-spinner OK. (because it saves arthritic hands and knees), but a knitting machine – which saves time – is not OK?

It is clear that there are a lot of knitters out there who use machines and may also hand knit. So I want to talk to them, and talk about knitting by machine, and by hand and the joys and tribulations of both methods, used separately and in combination.

I’ve had this itch to start a podcast about my love of knitting machines, but got stuck in thinking it had to be filmed, which seemed over complicated. I enjoy posting videos to YouTube when the mood takes me, and keeping this website active, but a regular commitment to setting up a space to film in seemed a step to far.

However, I had bought some bluetooth headphones so that I could listen to dramas on the radio while out walking my dog, and then I began to explore the world of audio podcasts. You may think I’m slow, but I don’t usually have much spare time to listen without interruption, so it was a bit of revelation to me.

Its taken me a while to decide what I want to do, and how to do it, and from this The Knitting Thingamabob was born. Let’s hope I can keep it going past a few episodes!

Click below to listen to the latest episodes (I will get better with practise…)

The Knitting Thingamabob – mending a Knitmaster 700 carriage and knitting socks The Knitting Thingamabob

Replacing the tension dial on the carriage of a Knitmaster 700, some tricks and tips to make this easier. Knitting socks and hand spinning yarn for machine knitting socks.
  1. The Knitting Thingamabob – mending a Knitmaster 700 carriage and knitting socks
  2. The Knitting Thingamabob – Hello

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The introductory music used in my podcasts is “Adding the Sun” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License